Event Leads

Bamber Valley PTA has many groups that create a sense of community for all students, staff, & family at Bamber Valley Elementary throughout the school year. These groups are an important part of making Bamber the amazing school it is! If you are interested in volunteering on one of these committees, email bambervalleypta@gmail.com.

Boo-Hoo / Yahoo sessions: Pam Wackel

Back to School Night: Lead Needed

Carnival: Pam Wackel, Keri Norman, Donna Dozois, Tammy Dahl

Silent Auction: Jenn Barnett

Costume Bingo:  Pam Wackel, Jess Wodrich

Staff Hospitality & Appreciation:  Kristin Heywood

Book Fair:  Brittney Chon, Chris Anderson, Michelle Manning

Box Tops:  Michelle Falkowski 

Directory:  Lead Needed

Rockin' Recess:  Lead Needed

Spelling Bee:  Chris Anderson

Spiritwear:  Alicia Zeone

Bulletin Board:  Patty Gustafson

Kindergarten & 1st Grade Fun Night: Lead Needed

2nd & 3rd Grade Science Night: Alissa Naymark

4th & 5th Grade Fun Night:  Jen Williams

Yearbook: Vicky Chen, Co-Lead Needed

Restock the Locker:  Keri Norman

Reflections Competition:  Chris Anderson

Winter Glow Run:  Sara Clausen, Vicky Chen

Garden:  Susan Bubak

Hy-Vee Receipts:  Heather Lyons