How do I join the PTA?
You can join online via: https://bamber.memberhub.store

Why should I join the PTA?
By joining, you get to vote on the many important decisions that impact our students and school.  The PTA also provides a forum for access to teachers and administration, and gives you insight on what is happening within the school.

But, I’m too busy to join the PTA…
If you have 3 minutes to fill out an online form, you are not too busy!  You can start small... 
How can I get more involved?
If you would like participate on a committee or have a passion for leading an event, please e-mail bambervalleypta@gmail.com, or raise your hand at a PTA meeting!

Why do I need to pay a fee to join the PTA?
The Bamber Valley PTA is a not-for-profit organization that is local, but is also part of a larger state and national organization.  We have to collect dues for our membership, as stated in the by-laws of the organization.  A portion of the dues goes to support the state and national organizations that work to address laws that affect our schools and our education system.  However, we retain all of the money we raise within the school, and we make our own decisions regarding our budget.

How is the PTA different from Volunteers in Education (VIE)?
Both the PTA and Volunteers in Education (VIE) are important and represent parent involvement and volunteering in the school.  However, VIE is a community-based program.  Community members are allowed to volunteer in the school, but only parents and teachers are allowed to join the PTA.  We need members to join the PTA, attend meetings, and volunteer for school events available to all students.

How is the PTA different from Family and Community Engagement? 
The mission statement of our Family Engagement Committee is “Creating and maintaining strong relationships with families and a sense of belonging to foster school success.” The Family Engagement Committee is a group of school staff and parents that works to build and strengthen relationships with families.  One main goal of these stronger relationships is to help our students experience success at school.  The committee may host academic themed family nights or provide resources and professional development for staff and families to help grow these connections.  A key difference between the Family Engagement Committee and the PTA is the focus of the Family Engagement Committee on school to family relationships to increase school success. Additional info can be found on the Rochester Public School website: https://www.rochesterschools.org/families/family-and-community-engagement 

How can I get involved with Family and Community Engagement at Bamber Valley?
Currently, the Family Engagement Committee meets once a month on Thursday mornings at 8:00am in the Bamber Valley Media Center.  If you are interested in participating in this committee, please contact Sam Pearson (sapearson@rochester.k12.mn.us).

Family Engagement Committee Meeting Dates (2019-2020 school year):
  • 11/21/19
  • 12/19/19
  • 1/13/20
  • 2/27/20
  • 3/19/20
  • 4/23/20
  • 5/21/20